Monday, June 9, 2008


Fred Thompson talks about "Adhering to the Principles that Keep America Prosperous & Free."  How did we let him slip away and end up with McCain?

Congress still hasn't worked this out?

$4 average per gallon of gas.  And it's definitely NOT a socialist democrats fault.  They would never be paid off to hinder new drilling would they?


Surprise!  America is still a horrible, misogynistic republic.  No offense ladies, but enough with this crap already.

Good news from Iraq.

Another libtard gets it all wrong when applauding Hispanic groups boycott of CNN.  Read the quote and tell me if you don't see the complete failure in the logic.

Here's hoping they and their allies can help improve the quality of cable television and the standard of living for illegal immigrants. Just because people are in this country illegally — but helping the nation in countless ways — doesn't mean they can't be treated with dignity and respect.

I'm confused.  Did George Soros actually get in front of a senate committee and explain that it was not the oil companies at fault for high fuel cost?  Or is he profiting from it as well and simply a foreign interloper sent to create chaos in our markets?

Islam, Oil, Elections and America - Nice opinion piece.

Keith Ellison, our first Muslim congressman, is a turd.  A fresh, squishy turd.

Hi!  I'm a part of the liberal media, if you see Barack, would you ask him to put his penis in my mouth?

Florida House District 44 seat being threatened by a socialist take over.

Michelle (America is a racist Nation) Obama is scheduled to co-host The View.  But remember, no matter what she says, we are NOT allowed to criticize her, no matter how Marxist and un-American her words most probably will be.

That Hugo Chavez is such a jokester.  A "bicycle" factory being built in the socialist dictatorship of Venezuela, with the aid of Iran, is producing bicycles, NOT nukes.  Why would a bunch of desert folk, spend all this time and money to help Chavez, build a bicycle factory?  I smell a rat.

As I said before, the climate change loons are going to unleash the largest redistribution of income ever in 2009.  Green is the new communist red.

Remember William "dollar bill" Jefferson from Louisiana?  The Lunch Counter tells us that more of the Jefferson clan are being indicted on charges of fraud.

Karl at Protein Wisdom shares the news that Allahpundit uncovered a Kostard who is hopping mad that John McCain gets disability payments for injuries sustained as a POW.  On a side note I must add that this same idiot probably thinks its perfectly fine that there are families in America who have lived off of government welfare for several generations.

More bed wetters mad about the check-points set up in a D.C. suburb to help curb violence in the area.  Here's an idea for you, don't act like an animal and you won't get treated like one.  But that's probably more logic than can be understood.

Patriotism stands in the way of uniting us under a one-world government administered by the Socialist International?

Reparations?  Remember, black people CANNOT be racist.

Imagine that, socialism doesn't work.

The "LOL" of the day, Iran to help plan U.N. anti racism conference.

Trackposted to A NEWT ONE- NATIONAL EMERGENCY, The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary's Thoughts, Right Truth, DragonLady's World, Leaning Straight Up, The Amboy Times, Big Dog's Weblog, Cao's Blog, Conservative Cat, Nuke Gingrich, third world county, Faultline USA, Woman Honor Thyself, McCain Blogs, The World According to Carl, Pirate's Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, , Stageleft, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.