Thursday, July 17, 2008

N & O Roundup (17 July 2008) The Samir Kantar No Regrets Edition

An animal has been released from its cage.  "I haven't for even one day regretted what I did" - "On the contrary I remain committed to my political convictions."  Which means he's free to kill again.  Good job Ehud Barak.

Kantar out

Is it me or does it seem like the Clinton's constantly have their hands out panhandling?

When Michelle Obama speaks, people listen.  And they often hear hate filled racist, holier than thou, elitist bile but hey, she does wear pretty dresses to avert attention from her horse face.

PETA ends KFC boycott, sales increase by .000000001%.

Doudou Diene, a Sengalese lawyer and the United Nations Human Rights Council special rapporteur on racism, has completed a tour of eight American cities, where he gathered firsthand information on issues related to racial discrimination and xenophobia.  His findings?  America is so racist!

Ann Coulter writes "This Is Not A Drill" and Big Dog's Weblog gets a shout out.

No Compromise Radio Show today at noon PDT with guest Bill Cooper.

Sheldon Adelson the Republican answer to Democratic financier George Soros?  I like him already.

Obama's going on tour...  Now if we could only get them to KEEP him.

Green Light For Profiling - About freaking time.  I don't care who you are, if your on a plane with a middle eastern looking person, you keep your eye on him.  I know I do.

CAIR law suit proves EVERYTHING is Islamophobia.

Texas' answer to the U.N. "order" they they not kill a savage animal?  Fuck you!  Go Texas!

More later....  Don't forget to shop the D=S Store

Trackposted to The Virtuous Republic, Perri Nelson's Website, Right Truth, DragonLady's World, Shadowscope, Leaning Straight Up, Conservative Cat, Faultline USA, third world county, Allie is Wired, The World According to Carl, The Pink Flamingo, Dumb Ox Daily News, , and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.