Tuesday, April 29, 2008


pelosi bdsm

The only thing more pathetic than Pelosi in her current position and office is if Cindy Sheehan were to take it over, she's gunning for it you know.  Now the infamous cuckolder is at it again.  From the Politico;

Republicans are howling over what appears to be Nancy Pelosi’s plan to bypass the House Appropriations Committee on the upcoming Iraq war supplemental, complaining that the move will be the beginning of the end of the usual appropriations process and will further consolidate power in the hands of a speaker who already has a lot of it.

Democrats will meet throughout the week to hash out their strategy, and they insist that Pelosi and other Democratic leaders have not yet made any final decisions about how to handle what’s likely to be the last Iraq funding debate of the Bush presidency. But Republican and Democratic appropriations staffers say Pelosi’s office is seriously considering skipping over their committee to take a $178 billion war funding bill — $70 billion more than the president wants — straight to the House floor.  Full story here

Call me politically naive but I really can't figure out what Pelosi is trying to accomplish with this move.  She is notorious for cuckolding her fellow socialist and any republican who let's her, so maybe this is just her being true to who she is?  A maniacal practitioner of sadomasochism just looking to dole out punishment and hike her leg on as many trees as possible?  And what's with all the extra loot?  Is her district running low on size 14 high heels and KY Jelly?

As long as we continue to let her get away with it, who can blame her?