Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Skipping the usual litany of, "this makes me sick", "what a waste of time" and that old favorite, "fuck them arabs", let's slaughter this pig a different way.


What I am about to put forth is so logical, practical and in our best interest, that I must warn any liberals reading this, you may want to leave the room or suffer a loss of bowel control followed by a mandatory six day DailyKos enema and/or lobotomy, just to wipe the memory of what I am about to say from your diseased mind.


We could solve every problem we are having in the world today, this very instant, by dropping one, two, maybe three bombs, followed by a mass deportation from our Republic, all known anti-America leftist.  And then drop another one to make sure there's no doubt of our intent.

Liberals, we will take a brief time out for you to clean yourself up, call your CodePink representative and declare your shock that someone would say such a thing!  Then compose yourself enough to start filling in your fake email address in the comment section to start your stupid response.

America has to go 'hat in hand' and speak with a nation that is at the very least complicit in global terrorism and seek help for a necessary natural resource that we MUST have or, in all honesty, perish.  Oil is the lube that makes the world go 'round.  Sad thing is, we have tons of the stuff, untapped because of effective and well funded American capitalist hating communist operating under the banner of environmentalism.

Saudi Arabia, a key member of OPEC, is the world's largest oil producer and has the most unused oil output capacity. However, the kingdom and other OPEC members have rejected U.S. calls for the group to ramp up production to help lower prices, saying the markets are well supplied with crude.  More here.

Screw those antiquated goat fuckers.  Do you actually think they give a shit?  Disease, famine, civil unrest and an internal enemy actively participating in our demise.  And we sit by and let it happen fearing some cuckolding world court, that is itself corrupt and an enemy seeking our downfall.  What about this don't you get democrats?

John Bolton has the right idea.  The longer our enemies are appeased, the longer they have to gain strength  and destroy us.  Without an unchallenged force of good in the world, evil will prevail.  Violence is the action called for.

It's already an "us or them" world folks.  Everyday we wait, hat in hand for diplomacy to work, the enemy, internal and external, grows stronger, chipping away, waiting for an exposed jugular.

I know there will be none of you publicly agree with me, I understand.  But don't say I never told you.

My hat's no longer in my hand, it was thrown to the ground in rage long ago.  I stand at the ready.  I've stepped into my place.