Monday, May 12, 2008


So much happening today.  Johnny boy McCain, aside from his many other liberal leanings, has further confirmed his desire to impose a cap and trade system to cut that horrible, awful green house gas the unwashed hippies get their skid marked undies all bunched up over.  I don't know why I thought the EPA took care of that type regulating, I mean, aren't we essentially talking about taxing and trading in air?  Gub'ment need money, gub'ment TAKE money!  Good job Johnny boy, let's make sure America suffers under some strangling scam while the rest of the world overtakes us, free from any regulation at all.  And you wonder why no one wants to donate to your campaign?  Someone with a funny name titled a new campaign ad for McCain, "Let’s fight global warming, but in a good way."  Someone pretty said McCain is on a "climate change tour."

Libertarian Bob Barr has announced he's running for POTUS and republicans are sipping scotch through clenched teeth at the news.  If he joins forces with say, Ron Paul, I think they may actually give Johnny boy and either socialist(D) a run for their money.  Hell, they may even win!  Maybe that would be just the ticket to shake things up a bit around here.  I am honestly curious to see what a Libertarian candidate could do for America.  I can already see the libtards launching "counter operation chaos" to derail McCain by pouring money into Barr's account.

It's enough to drive a man to drink...  Is it 5 o'clock yet?

This video makes me feel better, I hope it does you to.