Wednesday, May 28, 2008


From the Heritage Foundation:

S. 2191 extracts trillions of dollars from the mil­lions of American energy consumers and delivers this wealth to permanently identified classes of recipients, such as tribal groups and preferred tech­nology sectors, while largely circumventing the normal congressional appropriations process. Unbound by the periodic review of the normal bud­getary process, this de facto tax-and-spend program threatens to become permanent--independent of the goals of the legislation.

This rubbish will be going to the floor of the Senate next week and is authored by Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) and John Warner (R-VA).  We can understand Lieberman being behind this because, like his democrat brethren, they are intent on destroying American capitalism and replacing it with socialism.

But to see a "republican' name on such garbage should send the voters in droves, to get him out of office at the first opportunity given.

The world has gone completely mad to have whole heartedly aligned itself behind a myth, a lie and an out right attack on our very way of life.

Contact your representative (if we can even call them that anymore) and voice your opinion!  Vote NO on S. 2191!

Also, sign the petition to Drill here - Drill now - Pay less.

Heritage Foundation study here.  Video detailing why this bill is bad for America in the Media Center (top right).

Cross Posted to Democrat=Socialist